YouTube is sending warning emails to channels without an active AdSense account that they will be demonetized on Feb 4, 2021.
Full YouTube email sent to creators
On February 4, 2021, we will pause monetization on MCN Affiliate channels without a linked AdSense account. Help us ensure Affiliate channels link an active AdSense account.

An AdSense account is required to monetize on YouTube, otherwise monetization will be paused. This means any channel without a linked AdSense account will stop earning revenue from Ads, YouTube Premium, Memberships, Super Chat, and Merch. Below are the directions to share with your Affiliate channels. In some cases, it can take several weeks to set up an AdSense account. YouTube will also be reaching out to Affiliates directly with this information. For a list of channels that need to link an AdSense account, reach out to your Partner Manager.
Set up and link an AdSense account
Affiliates can follow the steps below to set up an AdSense account and link it to their channel:
Troubleshooting tips
If Affiliates are having trouble linking their AdSense account, they can try some of the tips below, or contact Creator Support.
If your AdSense account is not approved, this may be because you have more than one AdSense account. You will be asked to close other related accounts and will need to decide whether to use the existing account to monetize the channel or cancel it.
Once Affiliates link an AdSense account, they will continue to be paid through their MCN.
Monetization page in YouTube Studio
- Error AS-10 – can be resolved by removing ad block and disabling your popup blocker
- In Progress – waiting for Google approval
- Address issue: Identity Verification – this article may help
- Address issue: AdSense disapproved – Ask them to check their email associated with their AdSense and search for this email sender [email protected] to check the instruction sent by AdSense support
- Address issue: AdSense closed – they might have closed their AdSense account previously and needed to create a new one but best to confirm with the partner the actual situation and assist them accordingly
- Address issue: missing payment details – this article may help
- Address issue: Address Verification (PIN) needed – this article may help
- Not linked – they would need to click “Link AdSense” on their monetization page and follow the prompts
- Disabled Invalid Click Activity or other – They would need to appeal using the Invalid traffic appeal to resolve the issue
Additional notes
- Channels can only have one AdSense account
- For change of country they would need to cancel their current AdSense account and create a new AdSense account
- What to do if AdSense can’t activate your account

YouTube fireworks!
The video above received the YouTube fireworks because it was the #1 most-viewed video in the first few hours after going live on our channel compared to our latest nine videos.
It means this is a topic creators care about.
Personally, we love the YouTube fireworks effect as a reward for “competing against yourself” with videos that outperform your previous nine videos in the same time frame.
It gives extra motivation to keep uploading new and better content each time, so we see more fireworks 🙂

please can you help me my channel has problems with monetization.
can you help me how to solve this problem?
Step 1
Review Partner Program terms
You’re on your way to becoming a YouTube Partner! You have accepted the YouTube Partner Program terms.
Step 2
Set up Google AdSense
Your associated AdSense account is disabled for invalid click activity or other policy reasons. Your recent email from [email protected] has more details.
Learn more
Step 3
Get reviewed
YouTube will review your channel to make sure it complies with the
YouTube monetization policies
. We’ll email you a decision, usually within a month. This step will begin automatically after you complete the first two steps.